About Me

Hi my name is Linda (if we haven’t met already) and I’m from the Wee Dear Green Place and this section tells you a wee bit about ME. I suppose you could consider it my blogosphere to the world. So....

Who am I?

An Entrepreneur Student Extraordinaire who is THE Chief cook and bottle washer to one very lively and lovely 5 year old.

The reason I thought to Blog :

Because my daughter was so verrryyyy bored (on yet another) wet and windy day... but truthfully... I am a big kid and this lets me be as crafty as I like to.

Why I started my blog:               

I wanted to help other Mum’s (and Dad’s) entertain their kids with craft activities, fun days out and well just general tip bits and helpful ideas that were all under one umbrella and all in one place.

How do you begin?
If you’re interested in following me and are looking for a place to begin then I recommend you read my crafty guide and grab life by the obstacles and go create.

Where you can find me:

Blogger  (because I like to keep you up to date)



I will always try to respond to every comment and Tweet that I get and aim to develop friendships with as many readers as possible as I’ve come to discover that a blog can be the single best way to form an interactive community on the planet.

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