Tuesday 16 February 2016

Introduction to my blog Kids can be crafty …but parents have to be craftier!

 Introduction to my blog Kids can be crafty …but parents have to be craftier!

It’s funny, I just wanted to get myself some respite on a very wet Sunday afternoon from my 5 year old yelling …. “Mum I’m sooooo BORED what can we do today!!??”  It had been said that much already it was now stuck in my head going round and round like a broken record.

Until… light bulb moment!! “CRAFTS” I yell back.

Hmmm I know…It seemed like a great idea at the time.  I mean really! How hard could it be?!  Oh boy I just didn’t have a clue. Not one little clue as to the can of worms I had just opened

Suddenly I’m on the spot as my five year old jumps up and down excitedly saying "Ooooh great what are we going to make Mum?” and wham with those 6 little words the panic!!! set in. 

Oh God!! That's a good question. Never saw that one coming (I’m convinced I’m still suffering from Baby Brain) why didn’t I think of that? Help what do I do now? Where do I turn?  What can we make? What do I need? A thousand questions all at once and no solution to a very immediate problem.  How to please a five year old with crafts?

So I learned a very valuable lesson that day. Be prepared, and if you can’t be prepared, let someone else do it for you!  and that Ladies and Gentelman is what my blog is all about. It will take the S out of that stress by teaching parents how to become craftier than their kids.

I hope you enjoy it. I’m sure it will bring a lot of fun and laughter and not to mention a hughe amount of mess to your home.

Linda  ( or should I say …MUUUUMMMMM!!)


My Thought for today:

Being a parent is the hardest job I have ever done (and I’ve had a few) and the most rewarding. There is no job description or instruction manual on the right way to do things.  It is really just about being creative in a digital age while being fuelled by regular top-ups of coffee. So go on go out there and grab life by the obstacles and try something new.  It helps keep us sane in all this rain.